Saturday, December 7, 2013

Merry Christmas Banner

I created a Christmas banner with printables...I printed all on cardstock. These are set up to all printo on 8 1/2 x 11 paper sideways. But if you want smaller you can adjust to your size. Here is my version with glitter added, vintage buttons on top and I strung it with ribbon through the buttons.... you are welcome to click on the image, then save for your own use if you would like to make one....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

To Paint or Not to Paint....

I Have had this in my home for about 20 years. Used to be my moms. She had no room for it. It is an actual BAR, had places for Ice buckets in the door, a slide out tray for getting to items, places to hang glasses, places for bottles in the door... BUT it wasn't useful for anything else at all.

I have removed and SAVED all of those special items from the inside...along with the screws etc. But the outside is just a little too.

So what is your opinion?
First Picture shows it in a decent form
 This is the top part the rolling shelf is set down and no long rolls but you can see the glass hangers in the back somewhat there were 2 racks on the doors for other glasses
 This is the lower shelf, On the doors of this is where about 60% of all the big pieces that took up so much room.
 So as a storage unit its not so bad...need to make it work...
 See how the top is so damaged? That is my guilt free idea to paint this
 Of course these knobs will not get painted will be removed and stay as is
 There is plenty of detail in the corners...I think painting would bring that out

Monday, September 23, 2013

Don't make Hasty Decisions....

This last summer I lost my mom to breast cancer. After this happened I found that very little in my life seemed to mean much to me at all and I started selling off things that I really LOVED in the past but seemed to mean so little to me now.

However I got some advice (after most of the selling) that said I shouldn't make any major changes for at least a year and at least 6 months for things that were like this. I had purchased some items that I LOVED and looked for a long time.

We also were low on finances due to some unforeseen costs and the fact I am not currently working on anything other than filling in on occasion for some businesses and an occasional payment for some online work (I normally due for free). So making the money seemed like something I found purpose in.

Today....I decided I was not going to sell 2 items that I looked for a long time, got good deals on and are really "me". The money seemed more important than things in light of my loss. But now I've decided if I'm going to sell anything more than has really "spoken to me" in the past...I will wait until after the new year to decide to sell.

The worst part was contacting the people who I had talked to about selling. So far the one person said she found something better for less price (not sure if she was upset or not) and the other has not responded. If either of them were to get really upset I would go ahead and sell...I want to keep my word. But I think they both understand what I'm going through and are not the type...but one never knows!

Here are my items that I love...The buffet I got for only $100 and the top for about the same (they don't fit together as you can see) I would like to hang the top separately so they aren't so disparate in size....

Monday, May 20, 2013

I saw something you might like on Hometalk

I thought you'd be interested in this post on Hometalk, the buzzing online community where home-owners and professionals trade helpful advice and referrals for repair, renovation, gardening and more.

Check it out: Front Yard Still in Progress...

Tanya Peterson Felsheim added this message: "See my hometalk post!".

Best wishes,
Tanya Peterson Felsheim

Please do not reply to this automatically-generated email.
Copyright 2013 Hometalk, 400 Lafayette St., 4th Fl, New York, NY 10003

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Detours in Life.....

On the way to my Vacation.......

I didn't count on a few things happening the way they have this last month. I have every intention of having my 5 day vacation/staycation starting on March 6....but life has a way of throwing us curves...

March 6 was our 20th Wedding Anniversary and we spent that morning getting my folks and brother off to CA then we went out for lunch and got out our Glasses from our wedding and the bottle of sparkling Cider from my friend Barbara Jones at Apple Rose Cottage Apple Rose Cottage on Facebook and her blog of Apple Rose Cottage Blog and then about 4:30 pm

I got a call that my father had fallen and broken his "good" ankle, and was in the hospital...what has transpired since then has been hospitals, surgeries, nursing home, Stroke, Mom's scans and cancer status updates, visits from brother, AND working more than usual...Finding and signing legal forms, multiple doctor visits that require special transports for my dad and I attended times I feel like I'm in a fog yet...I think possibly that is so much better than the massive stress I was under last summer.

So the Blessings of the Lord, prayers of friends, and a wonderful husband has gotten me through this last month without falling apart and I know I really could have if I hadn't gotten this help plus forcing me to make some decisions... say NO to people I have always said "YES" to in the past....etc.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pinterest--Tips and Tricks

Just some things I've discovered over the past year or so being very involved in Pinterest. There are so many now who are talking about how to use Pinterest to advance your business, I only wanted to let people know how to enjoy the site for themselves...

When your cherished items start making you look like a hoarder...

I have so many sentimental things I have kept because of who had given them to me. The only problem with that is now that I am the bit FIVE O I am having to learn how to let go of things that are sentimental.

I have discovered something that really helps, and moms...if you deal with letting go of things your kids make everyday at school and your fridge starts to look like a community bulletin board and the kids look everyday to see if their "star pieces all 100 of them are still there...I have a few suggestions...
First suggestion which I am doing myself this week...since we remodeled my home 2 years ago and my tastes have changed from Victorian/Queen Anne to Cottage/shabby chic and my remodel is almost in that exact vein (though I know others could use this easily in their home and it doesn't have to be cottage if we sell) The last piece sentimental piece I have had to get rid of was my beautiful Ethan Allen China Hutch my husband bought me for Christmas just a few years after we were married. It does not match but letting it go has been so tough...Here is the picture.... and I guess I"ll tell you after the picture what I did....

Friday, February 22, 2013

Ok now time to post the winner

The winner is.......

Email me at and let me know
which Gift Certificate you wish to receive
Walmart, Home Depot, or Joann's
Congrats, and thanks to all who participated!

And the winner is......see tonight...

Tonight at 6 pm Pacific Time I will announce the winner of the $25 Gift the locals time to get home...and the faraways time to eat dinner and wait...hahaha

Just like to have most see it at the same time! Not trying to be a pain..but it will only be posted ON THE BLOG until Saturday night at 6 pm....I will notify the winner by email after I post it tonight....

Am I bad? I loved having almost 300 entries, many of them had multiple entries but I think I still had about 50 sign up and was very excited to pick the winner. I then verified they had done what the entry said they did to win. Lots to learn--and like i said Rafflecopter picked the winner!

So...see ya back tonight....if you want to...

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Enter to Win $25 Gift Certificate!

I now have 6000 followers on pinterest and to Celebrate I'm giving away a $25 gift certificate! I wasn't sure if I was going to get to 6000 followers first or 30,000 pins...and the 6000 followers are the final thing.

So I am going to do a drawing for everyone who First, posts a comment on this Blog post....then also if you "like" my cottage at heart page on facebook, follow me on twitter, follow me on Pinterest (at least one board). I will open it up for people to not have to have a Gmail account to post..

First thing you need to do is leave a comment on this post...the rest is added through the rafflecopter widget to help you get additional entries for the prize and some let you come back and enter every day to win the prize!

I'm going to try to play with the rafflecopter thing. My first try with rafflecopter wanted to see how it goes! You can share this with others too. What can you win? Your choice of a $25 gift certificate to Joann's, Walmart or Home Depot!

At the end of this post there are places to 

Remember....First thing you need to do is leave a comment on this post...the rest is added through the rafflecopter widget to help you get additional entries for the prize and some let you come back and enter every day to win the prize!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Its finally done! My favorite thing I've ever redone! (so far)

I purchased this item last summer for $100 from GG's Antiques (the old Goodwill Store in Grants Pass, OR) and I just loved the possibilities of it! I didn't take a complete before picture but I took the doors off anyway so you can see that it wasn't really fancy good looking wood, and plywood in middle with veneer, here is a picture of the front doors that covered the drawers but not the bottom roll out drawers.....see enough damage I felt ok with painting it. And if you know me, you know I'm all about vintage white! Soooo
Here is the Edge showing the veneer..and how it is breaking off

Here is the picture of the doors, brand new probably nice but
veneer was even coming off the top of piece

Monday, February 11, 2013

A happy spot even in Winter!

I decided to paint my cottage shed a color that even in the dreariness of winter would still give me a happy feeling when I see it..took this yesterday do you agree?

Ever feel guilty getting things for less than half their usual price?

Nobody but me probably does! But boy did I get a haul from a friend who used to own Mulberry Tree, she is going to open up another shop but only offering large furniture not little stuff. And though she hated parting with these things she let me have first pick! Then she threw in several smaller items....and I cannot even tell you how little I paid I feel so guilty!

What was truly funny is Kelly said I took everything she was having 2nd thoughts on selling! Just waaaay too much alike!

See my treasures


I won!

I won a $35 gift certificate to this website fabrics...

Take a look through and tell me what you THINK I chose for fabrics. Letting you know I spent $35.50 and then paid for the shipping separate....but wanted to give them a thank you on my blog for having the giveaway and hoping to get them some more notice on the internet!

And here is the Facebook page had the contest where I entered....

Thanks to both !

Mod Podge Rocks!

I wanted to share a very very special thank you to Amy Anderson who has written one of the coolest books on using mod podge. She sent me a free copy probably cuz she felt so sorry for me (haha) but here is a picture of the book....and you can also see some of the pages of the inside of the book on the amazon you can see what I mean!
Awesome Mod Podge Rocks Book

Her awesome site which I follow and love everything she posts is
Mod Podge Rocks Blog
and her Facebook account...

Got one project done...100 to go

I hope its not prideful to post that I am so proud of myself getting a project done and being so happy with it! I will show you the finished product first. The chair is what I redid to match this awsome table I bought for a very cheap price! Will post some pics of the chair before but the only really before one is pretty hard to see..just so you get an idea!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Textures in Photography a lot to see and learn!

There are so many uses these days for textures in photography, some are free, some are charged for (along with some information on how to use them) and some I even made myself and share freely...I wanted to post some links so you can just look for yourselves...First off I will share my textured images....then the list of my you will see that mine is so minute compared to so many others, But I haven't really done any in a year or two been doing so much other stuff so I do have an excuse (sort of) I tend to do things then want to do something else then move on...sometimes I move back but haven't had the time since remodelling and fixing up and cleaning out and and and and ...
This image is a recent set that I have been doing with a cafe theme. This is a combination of my photography, my textures with words and using another person's texture over the top and a digital painting of the cup and saucer in a watercolor look. I made the wording texture...and used another grungy texture from bitbox to make it what I wanted. You can see it here...and see what other say about it...

My textured images...
I did use textures on some of my other pieces to see it all just go to

The textures I created...

What is cool is when someone uses one of my textures they share with me that they used it and show me the outcome I created a group where they can post when they use one of my textures..

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Marley helps me Show off My vintage finds...

More Junk! I love to find things like this then paint them and add stencils. Everything right now is white and then all of my transfers etc are french chic or music or dicitonary pages So Then I tried to get a close up of this one piece and Marley was mad cuz I was blocking HER window

So she got to her window happily and I can
 take pictures as much as I want of the back of her head I guess

Blog Ideas to make your blog more successful

I found this pinterest board that has some really great links to help people to start or fix or improve their blogs to be more successful with followers and possibly to make money. I didn't want to repin the whole thing..wish there was a "repin board" I know there is a follow but that is only for content that is added. But you might enjoy this. It is a collaborative effort by several pinners... Here is the top of the blog and then the link
Tips 4 Mom Bloggers

Thursday, January 17, 2013

In a Quandary!

First Dilemma
Recently I was in a collectors 'marketplace' and a lot of booths had things half off and I found this awesome vintage Grumbacher Metal Art case! If you know Grumbacher you know they have been around forever! It does have rust on it....and I want to paint it..but I'm battling with the fact that it is an original but it has words written in perm marker on the outside...and I think this would be sooo cool with an antique paint scheme and a nice transfer of maybe a french design...what do you all think? I have a 2nd dilemma below not so critical I don't think....I've seen boxes like this go from $25 (with no famous name but very similar to this) up to $75 value.....what would you do? Really I don't need another thing as just a collectible if its worth a lot maybe I should sell it!

AWESOME FIND only about $5 at a discount store I love it!
Full interior of Grumbacher case

Rear of Grumbacher Metal  Art Case 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New to me Craft Workbench! Oh what a thing of beauty it will be!

I was in this antique Store that I frequent looking around and returning a footstool I got for my mom but they said I could return it for store credit if it didn't work. And it was great...but was almost bigger than her CHAIR still looking for just the right would be that stool cut in about half hehe