ANYWAY the lady was showing me things they took out of an estate including some very old windows. While she was looking for them she asked me if I didn't know anyone who might enjoy this huge piece of craft workbent. There are shelves all set up to stretch canvases, or needlework, etc...had about 5 or 6 very large pieces with the nails on it ready for stretching. I said not sure who could use this thing but how much did she want. She said $125 but she would sell to me for $50. I said even at $50 would be way too much for me.

Now my biggest concern will be how much I'll have to take it apart to get it into my room! but If I have to take it halfway apart I think with how well built it is worth it! Just needed to let my brain look closer at its Possibilites not its limitations! I will have to do some update pictures as I go and see what this can be in its full glory!
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