Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday, January 21, 2013

Marley helps me Show off My vintage finds...

More Junk! I love to find things like this then paint them and add stencils. Everything right now is white and then all of my transfers etc are french chic or music or dicitonary pages So Then I tried to get a close up of this one piece and Marley was mad cuz I was blocking HER window

So she got to her window happily and I can
 take pictures as much as I want of the back of her head I guess

Blog Ideas to make your blog more successful

I found this pinterest board that has some really great links to help people to start or fix or improve their blogs to be more successful with followers and possibly to make money. I didn't want to repin the whole thing..wish there was a "repin board" I know there is a follow but that is only for content that is added. But you might enjoy this. It is a collaborative effort by several pinners... Here is the top of the blog and then the link
Tips 4 Mom Bloggers

Thursday, January 17, 2013

In a Quandary!

First Dilemma
Recently I was in a collectors 'marketplace' and a lot of booths had things half off and I found this awesome vintage Grumbacher Metal Art case! If you know Grumbacher you know they have been around forever! It does have rust on it....and I want to paint it..but I'm battling with the fact that it is an original but it has words written in perm marker on the outside...and I think this would be sooo cool with an antique paint scheme and a nice transfer of maybe a french design...what do you all think? I have a 2nd dilemma below not so critical I don't think....I've seen boxes like this go from $25 (with no famous name but very similar to this) up to $75 value.....what would you do? Really I don't need another thing as just a collectible if its worth a lot maybe I should sell it!

AWESOME FIND only about $5 at a discount store I love it!
Full interior of Grumbacher case

Rear of Grumbacher Metal  Art Case 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New to me Craft Workbench! Oh what a thing of beauty it will be!

I was in this antique Store that I frequent looking around and returning a footstool I got for my mom but they said I could return it for store credit if it didn't work. And it was great...but was almost bigger than her CHAIR still looking for just the right would be that stool cut in about half hehe

Monday, January 14, 2013

Some more repurposed items

 So here are some more things I painted white. I should have taken more before and afters. This top piece I found in a friends old back end of their shop all rusty and falling apart, had a few tools in it that I took out. I like how the drawers are larger than 12 x 12 paper and slide out. The whole thing is metal.

Anyway it was pretty ugly green when i got it and was pretty rusted. I don't mind the rust so much as the ugly green! So I took each drawer out and painted the fronts only of them cost too much to paint the inside of the thing just take too much paint. then I painted the top and 2 sides of the metal holder (didn't care about the back or the bottom.

So then because the interior isn't something I want to lay something nice on I took some wallpaper and glued it to the inside of each drawer so I can safely keep items in here and not worry about the rust coming through... Eventually I need to add a pull to the bottom of the set and then put my little labels in the label holders---probably black chalkboard kind of thing....

Using what I find.....

When I am out running around at Garage sales, or rummage sales, or junk (I mean antique) dealers, I am always looking for pieces I can use in my craft room. I would like to use things that are not brand new and shiny, they dont' have to be really old either...just something that can be used to hold things in my craft room.. Might be something meant to be a plant holder turned into an ink and paint holder etc! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Famous and didn't even know it!

Today my friend Denise told me she was looking through her google reader and saw my pinterest boards being featured on a site called "flamingo toes"! I said what? Nobody ever told me!

So I went in search of what she was talking about and I guess I was a guest featured Pinterest Friday especially because of my christmas boards which she counted I had 21 of (do I really? wow!) here is a link to her post

Not much fun when you're famous and don't even notice this! Was December 14! Oh well...if you want to check out my pinterest boards I do have a few here and there...

Thanks for Flamingo Toes for featuring me...I might have even been flattered way back in December rather than now! oh well...Life goes on right? I have a desire to do more things for myself...