Saturday, December 15, 2012
OH Christmas tree.....
My husband prefers big fat house doesn't agree! He also prefers lights with color. I have to have white...just doesn't fit in with my "decor"!
So far nothing is set up under the tree except the tree skirt which has its own story and I will have to tell it separately...later...
This year I added a lot more white and clear balls along with an old fashioned silver/gold looking balls. I thought about adding glitter to them but they seem to make their own statements so far.
I wanted to turn my cottage into a "christmas cottage" but with working so much I just don't believe I am going to have the time so maybe next year. I hope to at least get something done out front to pretend I have it planned.
Hope your days are merry and bright!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
One Lucky Day: Artful Christmas Village Tutorial
Shabby Blogs: Photo Booth Blog Frame Collage Freebie
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Looks like might help your business...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012
All I want for Christmas Giveaway Part 2
A second giveaway that some of my blog followers might be interested in....
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Kim Klassen Textures and Ecourses for Lightroom, Photoshop, photography, and digital art
Saturday, November 24, 2012
How to get Beautiful Holiday Photos
Make a twig garland...
This is a really cool tutorial! I'm going to give it a try and will post my own picture when done...anyone else want to try it with me? This is from Funky Junk Interiors which got published in Folk Lifestyle Magazine!
Check out the Magazine here
and Funky Junk Interiors...
I have gotten so much information, Tutorials, and ideas from Funky will love them I know!
This is a really cool tutorial! I'm going to give it a try and will post my own picture when done...anyone else want to try it with me? This is from Funky Junk Interiors which got published in Folk Lifestyle Magazine!
and Funky Junk Interiors...
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Wednesday Charitable Business highlight...
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Silhouette Giveaway!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Missing you is the Title of this one
Working on a cafe theme note card set
Friday, November 2, 2012
For my friends if you are wanting to take time to learn more from others about how to take better pictures, or how to do certain techniques, you should try out the free side of I have been part of the paid side and the free side and I found the free side had most of what I needed. Recently they have added some new seminars, etc that seem to have some one on one help that would really improve your images so I"m posting this in order to maybe win one of these to see how they are....check out the photography forum on the above and also their blog talking about the site here....
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Challenges to get going....
Then I forced myself to use my new painter 12.2 and some new brushes but old techniques I always head back to for my painting technique...Its what I know! This is a challenge from digital nuts last week,
Last but not least....I did a halloween collage challenge. I'm not much into the dark side of halloween stuff but wanted to at least get something done, Was supposed to use the colors orange, black, purple and green and here is mine
Ok thats all for now.....
Monday, September 3, 2012
Mosaic of my Cottage yard
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Accessible Back yard--Please vote...daily if you can!
Click here and Entry 15 for Allison and her husband should show up. You dont' have to sign up just click "vote" and it will help. They were neck and neck yesterday but the other one slipped ahead overnight...I am sure they are both worthy of their makeovers...just nice to know someone I know whose family would benefit!
Finding a purpose
Thursday, August 2, 2012
My Water Can Collection aka Artifying an image
I got 2 immediate responses, one who knows Marilyn personally, has lived in New Orleans (subject matter) and didn't have this particular print of bourbon street. Another was a new member of the group and I had already promised to the first lady so I told the 2nd lady to pick out one of my images from Flickr and let me send her one of those.
She choose one I called my watering can collection shown here...but I asked her if I could "artify" it a bit. She doesn't know I am going to put it on an 8 x 10 canvas with a transfer here is the before....
My 2000 followers on Pinterest!
But the winner is.....JODY DEAN! Jody you probably don't follow my blog but i'll track you down...need your mailing address OR lunch with you and the secret woman kelly sometime soon!
So many of these items from my Friends Kelly from Mulberry Tree, and Barbara from Apple Rose Cottage...I just steal their ideas..
Thanks everyone for following my pins...makes me feel they are not in vain! Today I'm heading to my board "Mod podge and transfers" to figure the best way to transfer an image to canvas. I need to review all of them trying to keep them straight is not easy!
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Pebble Pup
Recently I had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Shiloh center and see their wonderful garden of buildings and how they have set up for people to visit. They have such a heart for Seniors to come out to visit their historical places, but especially a heart to have the Pebble pup visit schools all over Oregon for kids to begin to learn about the history of the rocks of Oregon. They have an interactive way for the children to see rocks from their base state all the way to made into Jewelry.
Here is a picture of the pup...
I have been helping the Colemans to update their brochure with Images their friend has taken and this is what I have so far