I have always liked this sentiment on this image "bloom where you are planted" though a very old one now it still says so much to what I, in my life, wish to do. The Bible says "whatever your hand finds to do, do it.." meaning do not wait for the perfect thing comes along before you start doing SOMETHING. If something is there and needs to be done, then do it. Don't pray on it, just do it. Not talking about some big spiritual mumbo jumbo event, I'm talking about taking the garbage out in the childrens church if you see it over flowing, I'm talking about dusting the counter in your workplace kitchen because it needs to be done instead of expecting someone else will get it done.
If we cannot "bloom" we will not be trusted with any sort of transplanting. Why would you purchase and count on a plant that has never bloomed in their native environment to suddenly go through the shock of change and bloom? Unless its to move it to a more fertile environment (meaning an easier way to live) and wait until it really blooms before it can be put on the shelf for use.
Wow didn't expect all of that to come out. Guess it was in there somewhere....my reflection is .... simply....bloom. Right here. Right now. Let your best colors show. Let your best foliage grow. Bloom. Click on the photo to get the best look.
I used Kim Klasses texture kk_makelight_02 to process this. Wanted a little bit of a grain look for the idea of the earth and dirt.
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