Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Be Still 52 Beginnings

Starting a new course with the wonderful Kim Klassen. I have seen her grow in her abilities of art and now she teaches but for very little cost. I think her courses are probably 1/10 of the cost of someone who wants to make a large amount of money and CAN charge. She seems to have a mission to help others who are going along the same path as herself. If you would like to know more about her you can check her out here .

The course I am taking is more of an ongoing study in still life photography and still life in the real world...as in BEING STILL. It is called Be Still 52 and I am 5 weeks behind the curve as I didn't start it when it came out. Gladly excited to catch up. Here is my first weeks image. We did breathing exercises etc. and then took a photo of something that causes us to enjoy the stillness...

We also did a private journal entry of our intentions for this class. It was private to us, and I do not have a journal just for this class YET so I did one that I don't mind sharing...using this same rose in my journal page...

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