Saturday, December 15, 2012
OH Christmas tree.....
My husband prefers big fat house doesn't agree! He also prefers lights with color. I have to have white...just doesn't fit in with my "decor"!
So far nothing is set up under the tree except the tree skirt which has its own story and I will have to tell it separately...later...
This year I added a lot more white and clear balls along with an old fashioned silver/gold looking balls. I thought about adding glitter to them but they seem to make their own statements so far.
I wanted to turn my cottage into a "christmas cottage" but with working so much I just don't believe I am going to have the time so maybe next year. I hope to at least get something done out front to pretend I have it planned.
Hope your days are merry and bright!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
One Lucky Day: Artful Christmas Village Tutorial
Shabby Blogs: Photo Booth Blog Frame Collage Freebie
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Looks like might help your business...
