Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas Gift for my mom

I decided to try to make silhouette images of the whole family for my mom for Christmas, but right as I got started and got some proper side shots of my brothers family is when I went through my "thing" whatever it was. I was able to finally finish these THE DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS for my mom. I printed them, put them each in 5 x 7 inch frames and made sure they could be set up to be placed looking at each other in several ways.

I printed on my laser printer with laser printer photo paper, and once I placed in the frame they told me they looked as though I had actually cut them out not just printed. I made an extra set for my sister in law. I can add the rest of the family later just need to purchase similar frames so they all look the same and get the photos I need. I made a print of this above to send to my grandmother as a single page, even that way it looked cool.

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